If you’re making a 2020 resolution to lose weight, get fit, eat right, focus on your health, COMMIT TO FIT is the solution for you!
COMMIT TO FIT – 6 Week Challenge

Yes, we’ve all heard and at some point may have even said it “new year, new me”. The start of a new year is notorious for being a time to transform, […]
What’s all the hype about fitness trackers? Like new gym memberships and New Years resolutions – once the novelty wears off the motivation to ‘get fit’ soon follows. There are […]
So, you want to build a body? Getting and staying fit can be a challenge. We all struggle and have setbacks when it comes to setting and sticking to our fitness […]
Yes! You’ve accepted the challenge, now it’s time to prepare to make the best of the challenge. We started this community because we believe life isn’t meant to be lived […]
“No. Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.” -Yoda to Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back I am not a Star Wars fan, however, this quote has been a […]