When People Tell Me Their Fat-Loss Plan… I think to myself, “It could all be so simple…but THEY rather make it haaaaarrd!”
Welcome to FL101: An Intro to Fat-Loss; I am your Professor Coach Chè. Let’s begin.
How it Works:
Burn more calories than you consume! BOOM!!! That concludes the semester!
Okay, let me be serious. When most people say they want to lose weight, they’re really saying they would like to lose fat and gain muscle to shift their body composition. So, to do that, we must first understand how many calories you; yes, you’ll be our example today. How many calories you burn each day, your TDEE*. This number is unique to you (based on size, sex, age & activity), and several FREE online calculators can help you obtain that info. I’ve linked one here to make it easier for you. (You’re welcome!)
Once you have that number, you want to place yourself in a sustainable caloric deficit for FAT-LOSS. Keyword SUSTAINABLE. Don’t go with such a large caloric deficit that you make yourself miserable.
I know we’re all captives to our Apple watches, MyZones and Fitbits, but these devices are not the holy grail and honestly may not provide the most accurate barometer of calories burned. So stop killing yourself trying to burn 1000 calories per workout! Because even if you did burn 1000 calories during a workout, if that’s the only time you’re really moving, you may be slowing your potential progress.
If your workout is one hour long and you sleep for 8 hours, there are still 15 hours of the day in which you might be completely sedentary, which if your goal is to lose weight is not ideal.
NEAT* get familiar with it. We’re currently hosting a STEPtember Challenge to encourage everyone to meet 10K steps per day goal. That’s because increasing your NEAT increases your overall calorie burn. How do you do that? By taking, the stairs, parking further away, walking on your lunch break, being active during your Netflix binge. Live a less sedentary lifestyle and see the difference it makes.
But that doesn’t mean tracking calories is a no-no. Instead, really track where it counts with your food. Knowing what’s going in will help you with your weight loss goals far more than the burst of energy you expend during a 30MIN workout or on the elliptical for 2HRS trying to kill yourself. Log your meals using apps like MyFitnessPal, MyPTHub, or even just simple pen and paper!
The best diet is the one that you can sustain…there is that word again! So ask yourself, do you want to have to do a 21-day challenge for the rest of your life. Or does creating a lifestyle wherein your body composition is one you’re content with all-year-round sound like a better plan of action?
Eat well, move more, and yes, exercise because NEAT isn’t a replacement for exercise. On the contrary, exercise is encouraged for fat loss because it can increase muscle mass, improve mood, encourage movement, and have so many other benefits.
Here is another tip for real fat loss. Set REALISTIC goals, stop giving yourself three weeks to get ready for that trip, wedding, photoshoot, or whatever it is…
Overall your fat loss program should be balanced, and, yes, you guessed it! Sustainable. Live actively. You can lose weight and enjoy a high-quality life!
If this blog post was informational, please don’t hesitate to pass it on or leave me a comment! If you have questions about your personal fitness goals and would like to set up an in-person or virtual discussion, please call, e-mail or slide into our DM’s 😜 to book a free consultation! Stay connected by following us on Instagram, and remember to hit the “LIKE” and “FOLLOW” buttons on our Facebook page!
Ready to lose the weight around your waist? Watch this and learn Tips to Lose Belly Fat For Good!
Terms Used
TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) estimates how many calories you burn per day when exercise is taken into account.
NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) is the amount of energy expended that isn’t sleeping, eating, or sport-like exercise.